VFR Night

VFR Night - permission to perform night flights

Permission to perform VFR night flights is necessary to perform flights at night, it's also a condition before beginning training for the IR (A).

The VFR-night training includes:

  • 5 hours of theoretical training
  • 5 hours of practical training

Permission to fly at night will be entered into a license.


VFR permission is a must have for every pilot. Don't limit yourself to daytime flights only. With us you can at any time.
5 hours of practice is enough for you to experience the amazing impressions of flights after dark. See what the illuminated cities look like from a bird's eye view. We assure you - the views are amazing!

Thanks to the entitlement to night flights, your tourist license will take on a completely new meaning, and you will gain an unforgettable experience of night flights.

Additionally, the VFR permission is required to apply for the IR certificate. So if you want to develop your flying skills and get the most out of your flights, don't wait. Get another permission.

Moreover, the VFR permission is one of the key ones in the case of the ATPL license. 

During the training, we will show you, among others, differences resulting from different flight conditions and limited visibility from daytime flights. And of course, fantastic views after dark.

All details at: ato@royal-star.pl





Have questions?

Feel free to contact us, we’ll be happy to help you.

Royal-Star AERO


ul. Lotniskowa 16

phone. [+48] 17 788 63 60

email: ato[at]royal-star.pl

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