Flight Instructor (airplane)
The aim of the training for Flight Instructor is to prepare pilot-candidate to the level of proficiency fundamental to give flight training for PPL(A) & CPL(A).
Training for the FI(R) includes:
- 125 hours of theoretical training
- 30 hours of training flights (airplane)
The FI(A) rating issued for the first time appears to be limited due to the fact that its holder is expected to accomplish at least 100 hours of practical training and 25 hours of supervision over students.
Candidates who would like to obtain flight instructor status (FI) must meet the following requirements:
- be at least CPL(A) holder or have at least 200 flying hours, including 150 hours as a Pilot in Command (PIC) if PPL(A)
- holder have passed CPL theoretical exam according to Civil Aviation Authority
- have at least 30 flying hours according to SEP(L) rating, including at least 5 flying hours accomplished within 6 months preceding an appropriate examination
- hold at least 10 hours of practical training according to Instrument Rating ( IR(A) ), however not more than 5 hours can be accomplished using FNPT or flight simulator
- have at least 20 hours of cross-country flight as PIC, including 300 NM cross-country flight with 2 full stop landings at 2 different airports
within 6 months before launching the course a candidate has to pass an appropriate exam that is a base in assessing his/her capabilities