Flight Instructor FI(A)
Flight Instructor
(airplane) FI(A)

Flight Instructor (airplane)



The aim of the training for Flight Instructor is to prepare pilot-candidate to the level of proficiency fundamental to give flight training for PPL(A) & CPL(A).

Training for the FI(R) includes:


The FI(A) rating issued for the first time appears to be limited due to the fact that its holder is expected to accomplish at least 100 hours of practical training and 25 hours of supervision over students.


Candidates who would like to obtain flight instructor status (FI) must meet the following requirements:

Have questions?

Feel free to contact us, we’ll be happy to help you.

Royal-Star AERO


ul. Lotniskowa 16

phone. [+48] 17 788 63 60

email: ato[at]royal-star.pl

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